Frequently asked questions

FAQ - frequently asked questions

Since you frequently ask about the work of the Association, possibilities of showing support, or even questions related directly to TD2, we’ve chosen the most frequently asked questions and answered them below.


  • Where does the Association's name come from?

    TTSK (in Polish: Towarzystwo Twórców Symulatorów Kolejowych) literally translates to The Society of Railway Simulator Creators. Train Driver 2 has always been the most important of our projects, being the base for other simulators and apps required for its complete environment.

    Additionally, the following simulators are a part of the ecosystem:

    • SCS – Symulacyjne Centrum Sterowania (Simulation Control Centre)
    • SPK – Symulator Pulpitów Kostkowych (Domino-panel Simulator)
    • SPE – Symulator Pulpitów Elektronicznych (Electronic Control Panel Simulator)
    • SUP – Symulator Urządzeń Przejazdowych (Level Crossing Devices Simulator)
  • Level Crossing Devices Simulator

    There are three main reasons:

    • Legal state regulation – the Association, as the legal entity, is the owner of the Simulator. Thanks to that, every creator (developer, model artist, scenery builder, graphic designer, sound engineer, etc.) will precisely know who is the disponent of their work is, and what are the rules of its sharing. In case the Association doesn’t fullfill the signed agreements, the creator will have the option to pursue legal action in court.
    • Project support – the Supporter rank, which existed in prior to Association’s assembly, hasn’t been a reasonable support option for several years. Additionally, the Community hadn’t been properly informed about the expenses made. Thanks to the establishment of the Association, we can enable a wider range of ways to support the project, on the other side, we’re now legally obliged to file the yearly financial reports. Thanks to this, both sides know their laws and responsibilities, and the highest possible level of transparency has been reached.
    • Becoming a legal entity – this opens a wide range of possibilies to cooperate with companies and institutions working in the railway industry, both state-owned and private, as well as educational facilities. As an entity, we can sign agreements, which enables us to talk to potential partners on elevated level in comparison to former state.
  • Why wasn't the Assocation estabilished earlier?

    The process of structure alteration had been started in July 2019 by selecting the Board, which has since been responsible for the entire project. Since then, futher changes have been applied, which resulted in the stabilisation of the Team. First discussions about the final shape of our structure had started on June 2020. The complete analysis, consultations, creation of documentation and ultimately, registration of the Association in the National Registry took more than a year.

  • What about the OnRailTeam? Why isn't the name used anymore?

    OnRailTeam had been established to overlook the simulator’s development. In practice, that formula wasn’t suitable for the needs of the simulator, and therefore OnRailTeam has been dissolved. Because we’re not legally allowed to use that name, the Association’s been registered as TTSK.

  • What is an association, and what are its responsibilities?

    Association – voluntary, permanent and self-governing non-profit organisation.

    That means, an association is a legal entity, independent from other institutions, which binds people sharing common goals and interest, working together regardless of money.

  • What possibilities for the Simulator have been opened by estabilishment oft he Association?

    Look: Why has the Association been estabilished?

  • Who does the Association consist of?

    The list of people and their roles is available in Documents tab.

  • Where is the HQ of the association?

    The virtual HQ of the Association is located on Mickiewicza Street 37/58, 01625 Warsaw, Poland. The entire work of the Association is completed remotely, using electronical communication means.

  • Is it possible to become a member of the Association?

    Currently, the NGO module of Integrator app is being developed, which will ultimately enable users to electronically enroll users and automatize the flow of documents necessary to sign up as the member of the Association. The completion of the module will be announced on the simulator’s forum.


  • How can I support the project finanacially?

    Currently, there are two ways to support the project:

    • by using the Integrator app and making a transfer using the dedicated NGO module.
    • by making a regular bank transfer.

    Before donating, please read and accept the Donation Rules.

  • Is it possible to become a member of the Association?

    Yes, aside from financial help, you can become a volunteer and join the Team as Developer, Constructor, Trainer, Editor or Moderator. Regardless of working for the Association as a volunteer, you can, like before, build sceneries or create models, while not being formally enrolled into the Association’s structures. In the future, we also plan to open a merchandise store. The profits will be used for the Association’s goals, as stated in the Statute.

  • How will the money gained be used? How much does it cost to run the Association and TD2 project?

    Current costs needed to run the Association include:

    • financial services
    • maintenance of the virtual office

    Other costs are related to the maintenance and development of the project. These include:

    • server infrastructure, links and connections, disk space
    • licences for the software
    • assets, addons
    • network traffic servers (Photon Unity Networking)
    • textures and other graphical materials
    • services (developers, model artists, lawyers, acquiring of the documentation etc.).

    The Association is legally obliged to (and will) publish a yearly financial report after closing the financial year.

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