Not every event will be a subject to enrollment process. Other ranks or people may also be able to get priority. Every event will have the enrollment rules set beforehand.

25 zł

50 zł

100 zł

150 zł

200 zł

300 zł

400 zł

500 zł

1000 zł

1500 zł

2000 zł

2500 zł

3000 zł

3500 zł

4000 zł

5000 zł
The advantages of becoming a Sponsor
Additionally, every time the sum of your donations exceeds 25 PLN, you’ll get a Sponsor rank for one year, and with it:
Payment information
If the donator wishes, the Community will be informed about their donation on dedicated channel on Mattermost (1). Their nick will also be visible on donators’ list.
With a dedicated flap (2) you’ll also get Sponsor rank on the Forum, which will distinguish your nick among other users. Additionally, the color of the frame around experience level in the Simulator will be changed.
Server access
We’d like to make the Simulator accessible to everyone, however, if the amount of users exceeds a threshold, when we’ll be forced to put temporary limits on, the Sponsors (3) will get priority in joining the server.
Models and sceneries
In some cases, the Sponsors can get early access to selected sceneries and rolling stock models for a short period of time.
If the Association will organize special event with compulsory self-enrollment, Sponsors will get priority in signing up. (4)
Supporting member
If the donator meets the requirements from Association’s Statute, they will be able to become a supporting member of the Association.